Exercise Bike Vs. Walking: Full Guide & Comparison

Regular physical activity is an essential pillar of a well-rounded and healthy lifestyle, offering a wide range of benefits such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases and enhancing mental well-being. Engaging in consistent exercise habits yields significant advantages. Among the various exercise options available, walking and indoor cycling have emerged as popular fitness routines. These activities not only offer convenience and accessibility but also provide numerous health benefits. Let's go deeper and explore and compare these two forms of exercise to determine which one suits you best!

Benefits of Walking

Walking is an exercise that is as natural as breathing. Watching a child take its first steps is an inspiring and unforgettable moment, although we may not remember it ourselves. The act of walking is truly remarkable and opens doors to new explorations. It is essential not to take it for granted just because we have become proficient at it. The benefits of walking should not be underestimated.

Being a low-impact exercise, it is gentle on the joints, allowing individuals of various fitness levels and ages, including those with certain health conditions, to participate comfortably.

1. Cardiovascular Health

Walking has a significant advantage as it positively impacts cardiovascular health. The American Heart Association confirms that brisk walking on a regular basis strengthens heart muscles, reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, and enhances overall cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, it tones muscles, particularly those in the lower body, leading to a greater sense of strength and endurance over time. Make sure that you are not taking your body for granted as you become older. All it takes is a consistent effort every day to see a difference.

2. Weight Control

If you struggle with weight management or find yourself preoccupied with your weight, increasing your walking frequency can be a powerful tool. Walking serves as a formidable ally in maintaining a healthy weight. According to Mayo Clinic, an individual weighing around 160 pounds (73 kilograms) can burn up to 314 calories per hour of brisk walking.

Furthermore, due to its simplicity, walking is easily incorporated into daily routines, enhancing its potential for calorie burn and weight control. Instead of making excuses, consider opting for healthier choices. Instead of eating at a nearby fast food shop during your lunch break, walk an extra 10 minutes to select a more nutritious option.

After finishing your meal, walk back to the office. Once you are home and done with dinner, consider taking a short walk while watching your favorite TV show on your phone. However, always ensure that you remain aware of your surroundings for safety.

3. Mental Health

Don't underestimate the positive impact walking has on your mental health. A 2021 study revealed that individuals who engaged in moderate to vigorous-paced walks experienced improved mental clarity and higher perceptions of overall health. In today's world, mental health is equally as important as physical health.

Benefits of Indoor Cycling

Now, let's shift our focus to indoor cycling. Energetic indoor cycling classes and home fitness equipment like stationary bikes offer a dynamic and low-impact cardiovascular workout. Indoor cycling is an excellent option for individuals seeking to elevate their fitness routine or add diversity to their exercise routine. However, it is important to remember that there are many different kinds of exercise bikes and you should pick the one that is right for you!

1. Cardiovascular Health

Indoor cycling is undoubtedly an excellent way to enhance your cardiovascular health. Just like walking, indoor cycling elevates your heart rate, which notably benefits your heart and lung health. However, due to its higher intensity compared to walking, it can considerably enhance your endurance and stamina.

2. Muscle Toning and Strengthening

Indoor cycling focuses primarily on toning and strengthening the muscles in your lower body. During a cycling session, your glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves undergo a rigorous workout. It's worth noting that indoor cycling also engages your core muscles, and with specific workout variations, it can provide a comprehensive upper body exercise as well.

Moreover, some indoor bikes are equipped with impressive rotatable screens that offer a variety of classes. These classes go beyond simple riding, providing users with the opportunity to participate in different types of workouts. An excellent example of this is the Lit Bike from freebeat, a company that has effectively gamified the overall riding experience. Their fun and interactive classes allow you to compete and customize your workout to your liking.

3. Weight Loss

Indoor cycling is an excellent option for weight loss. Its high-intensity nature promotes significant calorie burn. According to Harvard Medical School, a person weighing around 155 pounds (70 kilograms) can burn approximately 260-466 calories in just 30 minutes of cycling, depending on the intensity level.

4. Mental Health

In today's fast-paced world, stress affects individuals of all ages. With numerous responsibilities and distractions, it can be challenging to find healthy coping mechanisms. Fortunately, an indoor exercise bike can provide the solution you're looking for! The endorphin rush experienced after cycling can effectively reduce anxiety and enhance your mood. Additionally, the supportive environment found in indoor cycling classes fosters a sense of belonging and motivation. All of these feelings positively impact overall mental health, leading to reduced anxiety.

Comparison of Walking and Cycling

Having laid out the benefits of each, it's time to pit walking and indoor cycling against each other. Comparing walking and indoor cycling in terms of calorie burning and weight loss potential, indoor cycling typically surpasses walking due to its high-intensity nature. However, consistent walking as part of daily routines can still contribute significantly to weight management.

Cardiovascular health and endurance

In terms of cardiovascular health and endurance, both walking and indoor cycling have substantial benefits. Walking forms a strong foundation for cardiovascular health, while indoor cycling, particularly with its potential for high-intensity intervals, can lead to even more notable improvements in endurance.

Muscle strength and toning

Both walking and indoor cycling contribute to muscle strength and toning, but the intensity and resistance offered by indoor cycling make it particularly effective for significant muscle development, especially in the lower body. On the other hand, walking provides a gentler approach to muscle toning, making it a great choice for individuals who prefer a less intense form of exercise.

Joint health

When it comes to promoting joint health, both walking and indoor cycling are considered low-impact exercises. This means that they are generally less strenuous on the joints compared to high-impact activities like running. However, indoor cycling is particularly gentle on the joints because it doesn't put any weight on them. If you have certain health conditions, including walking and indoor cycling into your fitness routine can be beneficial. However, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new fitness routine.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Walking and Cycling

Choosing between walking and indoor cycling depends on personal preferences and practical considerations. The most important factor to consider is your enjoyment and satisfaction. When you genuinely enjoy the exercise, you are more likely to stay motivated and consistent with your fitness routine.

1. Outdoors and Indoors

If you appreciate being outdoors and have access to a safe and open space with fresh air, walking might be the ideal choice for you. On the other hand, if you have a busy lifestyle or prefer exercising indoors, using a stationary bike can provide the motivation and convenience you need to stay consistent.

2. Availability

When it comes to exercising, it's important to consider time availability and convenience. Indoor cycling typically requires a specific time and space, whether you attend an indoor cycling class or use a stationary bike at home. Walking, on the other hand, can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. However, pre-recorded cycling classes do offer the same flexibility.

3. Cost

Equipment and cost are important factors to consider as well. Walking requires minimal equipment. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes and suitable clothing. On the other hand, indoor cycling requires access to a stationary bike, which can be a financial investment. If you are considering an exercise bike with built-in classes, remember to factor in the monthly membership cost, as these expenses can accumulate over time. However, it's worth noting that there are many affordable options available, and prioritizing your health and fitness doesn't have to be expensive.

Incorporating Walking and Cycling into a Fitness Routine

Why not enjoy the benefits of both worlds? A balanced fitness routine can incorporate both walking and indoor cycling, allowing you to reap the unique advantages of each exercise. On recovery days, you can go for a refreshing walk, while reserving indoor cycling for more intense workout sessions. This approach lets you experience the best of both activities and tailor your routine to your fitness goals and preferences.

Setting goals and tracking progress are both essential for maintaining motivation. Various apps and fitness trackers can provide invaluable assistance in this context.

Always remember safety. When walking, maintain good posture, and wear suitable footwear. For indoor cycling, ensure the bike is correctly adjusted to your fit, and always engage in a warm-up before and a cool-down after your session.


Walking and indoor cycling each bear their unique set of benefits and considerations. Whether you’re searching for a low-impact, easily accessible form of exercise or a high-intensity, endurance-boosting workout, these activities cater to a spectrum of fitness goals and preferences. Ultimately, the best exercise for you is the one that brings you joy and can be consistently incorporated into your life. The key to reaping fitness benefits lies in consistency and staying disciplined. You are the only thing standing in your way of a healthier you! Whatever choice you decide to make, benefits await, and so does a better you!